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private listing中文是什么意思

用"private listing"造句"private listing"怎么读"private listing" in a sentence


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  • Private list messages sent to google mail
    内部邮递论坛与google mail
  • Operation performance evaluation of private listed companies based on factor analysis
  • Corporate governance , governance index and corporate performance data from 231 private listed companies of hu amp; amp; shen stock markets in china
  • Taking human as the foundations , constructing harmonious labor - capital relations - a survey and thought about inner relations of private listing company in quanzhou
  • That the current privacy and processing policies of google mail are not compatible with debian s policy for its private list
    ,目前google mail对个人隐私保障和信件处理的条款,并不符合debian对开发人员内部邮递论坛收件信箱的要求。
  • These conclusions focus on problems . considering the financial strategy environment , the paper puts forward personal suggestions and attempts to offer reference for the private listed companies
  • In the third chapter , empirical studies were conducted on the capital structure and corporate value - added of china ' s state - owned and private listing companies separately
  • The private listed companies are the core force of the private enterprise . in the face of many opportunities and severe challenge , they have to manage enterprises according to international level and make long - term , holistic , extroverted financial strategy
  • Then through carrying on a statistical analysis to financial datum of 118 private listed companies , it has separately summarized the current situations of the financing strategy , the investment strategy and the dividend strategy , and drawn some exploratory conclusions . finally , it analyses the present environment of financial strategy that the companies face . at the foundation of theory in financial strategy orient , it makes adjustment to their financial strategy and gives a model to combine the financial strategy
  • The results from theory and empirical analysis include : the phenomenon about nbre of private listed companies is more popular ; the ownership restriction can restrain nbre ; when the proportion of the first largest shareholder bellows 50 % , more proportion more nbre ratio ; when the proportion of the first largest shareholder is more than 50 % , the private listed companies perform alignment effects , and the state - owned listed companies perform entrenchment effects
    通过理论与实证分析,得出结论:民营上市公司的资金占用现象更为普遍;通过股权制衡作用可以抑制资金占用;当第一大股东持股比例在50 %以下时,持股比例越大,资金占用率越高;当第一大股东持股比例大于50 %时,民营上市公司表现为协同效应,而国有上市公司表现为壕沟效应。
用"private listing"造句  
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